Allan Brewer Carias




Lawyer degree (1962) and Juris Doctor (1964) from the Central University of Venezuela (Universidad Central de Venezuela), both titles with summa cum laude mentions.

Emeritus Professor at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, where he began to teach in 1963, being during his academic carrier, Head of the Administrative Law Chair, Head of the Public Law Department and Director of the Public Law Institute (Instituto de Derecho Público (1978-1998).

He has been Visiting Scholar (1972-1974) and Professor (as Simon Bolivar Professor 1985-1986) in the LLM Program at the Faculty of Law of Cambridge University UK; Associate Professor (Troisième Cicle) at the Université de Paris II (Panthéon Assas) (1989-1990); Professor in the LLM Program at the University of El Rosario, Bogotá and University Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, (2000-2006); and Visiting Scholar (2002-2004) and Adjunct Professor of Law (2006-2008) at the Columbia Law School, Columbia University in the City of New York, where he currently resides. He has been lecturer and participated in Courses and Seminars in many Universities in Europe and in the Americas.

He has been Member of the Board of Directos of the Inter American Institute of Human Rights, Costa Rica; is member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, The Hague, having been its Vice President (1982-2010); is Member of the Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales of Venezuela, having been its President (1997-1999); and is Corresponding Foreign Member or Honorary Member of the following Academies: Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba, Argentina (1992); Academia Colombiana de Jurisprudencia, Bogotá, Colombia (1996); Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas, Miembro Correspondiente, Madrid (1978); Real Academia Valenciana de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, Valencia, Spain, (2000); Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, Madrid (2008); Academia Chilena de Ciencias Políticas, Sociales y Morales, Santiago de Chile, (2011); Academia Peruana de Derecho, Lima (2011); and Real Academia Iberoamericana de Artes y Ciencias de España, Cádiz, Spain (2015).

Since 1980 he has been Director of the Public Law Journal (Revista de Derecho Público) of Venezuela, and has an extensive written work published of more than 200 books and more than 1.000 articles published in many European, Latin American and North American Law Journals and Collective Works on matters of public law, constitutional law, public administration and constitutional history.

In 1981 he was awarded the National Science Price (Premio Nacional de Ciencias (1981) of Venezuela, given to his work and activities in the fields of Law and Social Sciences.

All his works and achievements can be tracked at his web site, at:

In Venezuela he was Legal Deputy Counselor at the Ministry of Justice (1963-1964), Legal Counselor at the Supreme Electoral Council (1965-1968), President of the Public Administration Commission of the Presidency of the Republic (1969-1972), Senator elected (independent) for the Federal District (1982-1986), Minister of State for Decentralization (1993-1994), and Elected member (independent) of the National Constituent Assembly (1999).

Academic distinctions

Esta Sección contiene información sobre las Academic distinctions otorgadas a Allan R. Brewer-Carías, en particular los Premios Académicos, Doctorados Honoris Causa, Profesor Honorario de Universidades, Cátedras Fundacionales Honoríficas con su nombre; Libros Homenaje; Jornadas Homenaje; Miembro Honorario de Asociaciones y Centros Académicos; Promociones de profesionales con su nombre y Condecoraciones recibidas.

This Section includes information about the Academic Distinctions given to Allan R. Brewer-Carías, particularly, Prizes and Awards, Honoris Causa Doctorates, Honorary Professorship, Foundational Chairs with his name, Collective Books published in his Honor; Seminars in his Honor; Honorary membership of Academies and Associations; University Classes with his name and Civil Distinctions.

Professional Activities and Public Functions

Esta Sección contiene información sobre las actividades profesionales de Allan R. Brewer-Carías no referidas en las Secciones anteriores, así como sobre las funciones públicas ejercidas.

This Section includes information about the professional activities accomplished by Allan R. Brewer-Carías not referred to in the previous Sections, as well as the Public Functions he has occupied.

Activities Institutions, Academic and Associations

Esta Sección incluye información sobre todas las actividades del autor en Institutos, Asociaciones y Academias, en particular, en Instituciones Europeas, Latinoamericanas y Venezolanas. La información sobre textos ya publicados relativos a esas actividades puede consultarse en la Sección II, VIRTUAL LIBRARY; y los documentos inéditos en la Sección, I, ASUNTOS EN CURSO.

This Section includes information about all the activities in Institutes, Associations and Academies, particularly in the European, Latin American and Venezuelan Institutions. The information about published text related to those activities can be search in Section II, VIRTUAL LIBRARY; and on unpublished documents in Section I, CURRENT MATTERS.

Actividades en universidades y cursos dictados

Esta Sección incluye información sobre las actividades del autor en Universidades y centros de estudios superiores, en particular, en Universidades venezolanas, europeas, latinoamericanas y norteamericanas. Igualmente contiene información sobre la participación del autor en Jurados Calificadores de Tesis o del profesorado universitario. La información sobre textos ya publicados relativos a esas actividades puede consultarse en la Sección II, VIRTUAL LIBRARY; y los documentos inéditos en la Sección, I, ASUNTOS EN CURSO.

This Section includes information about all the activities in Universities and teaching institutions, particularly in the Venezuelan, European, Latin American and North American Universities. References are also made to the participation of the author in Panels or Juries qualifying the work of others and particularly of university professors. The information about published text related to those activities can be search in Section II, VIRTUAL LIBRARY; and on unpublished documents in Section I, CURRENT MATTERS.

Allan R. Brewer-Carías. BIBLIOVERBIGRAFÍA. Actualizada al 31 de diciembre de 2018

Esta “Biblioverbigraphy”, recoge la información relativa a las actividades académicas y profesionales del autor a partir de 1958, indicada por años, incluyendo las distinciones académicas; cursos, conferencias, exposiciones y ponencias; publicaciones (libros y artículos en revistas y obras colectivas); declaraciones o entrevistas en prensa; y además, algunos documentos relevantes que ha preparado, y que han permanecido inéditos.

This “Biblioverbigraphy”, includes information about the academic and professional activities of the author since 1958, arranged by years, including Academic Distinctions; Courses, Conferences, Speeches and Papers; Publications (Books and Articles in Journals and Colective Works),Newspapers Interviews and Statements; and some relevant unpublished written documents.